
Our 4,500-plus readers trust us when it comes to supporting local businesses and announcing local events. The Iguana is a great way for you to reach the progressive community, not just in Gainesville or Alachua County but also in the surrounding area.

Interested in advertising with the Iguana? We’ve got the cheapest print rates in town!

Rates Per Issue

$20 – Business Card (3.5 inches by 2 inches)

$30 – Double Business Card (3.5 inches by 4 inches)

$40 – Quarter-Page (3.5 inches by 4.75 inches)

$70 – Half-Page (4.75 inches by 6.5 inches)

$120 – Full Page (7.5 inches by 9.5 inches)

All ads must be submitted as a PDF or JPG file by the last Monday of the month before the publishing month. For example, if the ad is scheduled to be published in the July/August issue, the final file must be submitted by the last Monday of June. Please give the Iguana as much notice as possible if you plan to run an ad; there is no guarantee that your ad will be published the closer you get to the deadline due to spacing concerns.

If you would like a designer from the Iguana to design your ad, all copy must be submitted by the second to last Monday of the month prior to the printing month. For example, if the ad is scheduled to be published in the July/August issue, the final copy must be submitted by the second to last Monday of June. Ads designed by the Iguana team will be submitted to the advertiser prior to publishing for final review.

Ads should be sent to Joe Courter at

printing schedule

The Iguana prints the first week of the month on the following schedule:










payment and contact information

Make checks payable to the Gainesville Iguana and remit to:

Gainesville Iguana                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 14712                                                                                                                Gainesville, FL 32604

For more information, contact Publisher Joe Courter at or (353)378-5655.