Introducing UF Radical Student Alliance

rsaUF Radical Student Alliance is a multi-issue activist organization that is united around combating all forms of systematic oppression. Formed in the summer of 2015, we strive to uplift and concretely address the material needs of those most stifled by institutional violence and neglect, with an emphasis on a radical lens in order to fundamentally reshape society by addressing the root issues rather than simply producing band-aid solutions. With this in mind, we work for the liberation of all marginalized groups, regardless of class, race, ethnicity, abledness, gender, or sexual orientation. New students and the Gainesville community are welcome to come out to learn more or get involved at meetings, which are held weekly at 6:30 PM Wednesday on the UF campus.

Upcoming events will include discussing the impact of capitalism on society and deciding on this semester’s social justice campaign.

If you are interested in finding out more about UF Radical Student Alliance, you can email them at, or visit their facebook page at:

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